1. Festival nordijskog hodanja i pješačenja Varaždinske županije Dragi prijatelji, zaljubljenici u prirodu, pozivamo vas na hodanje, druženje i zabavu u biser Hrvatskog zagorja! PROGRAM:od 9:00 do 10:00 – okupljanje sudionika, piće dobrodošlice, okrepaod 9:30 do 13:00 – mjerenje masnoća u tijelu, šećera u krvi i krvnog tlakaod 10:00 do 10:30 – prigodni programod 10:30…
Autor: admin
NOĆ MUZEJA 01. 02. 2019. TRAKOŠĆAN 18.00-24.00
Muzej Dvor Trakošćan tradicionalno sudjeluje s raznovrsnim programom u manifestaciji Noć muzeja. Nadamo se da će se posjetitelji i ove godine uputiti prema Trakošćanu te doživjeti dvorac u drugačijem ozračju. Tema Noći muzeja 2019. godine je „Muzej – inovacije i digitalna budućnost“, pa će gostima u sklopu te teme biti prezentiran audio-vizualni vodič Smart guide…
22.11.2018. Dvor Trakošćan Vas poziva na otvorenje izložbe Gordane Kovačić i Slavena Macolića koje će se održati u četvrtak, 22. studenog 2018. u 18 sati u galeriji Dvora Trakošćan. Varaždinski slikari i supružnici Gordana Kovačić i Slaven Macolić diplomirali su na interdisciplinarnom studiju ALU i Odsjeka za povijest umjetnosti Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, nakon čega…
Nisko prizemlje
As one of the biggest museum in the region we feel committed to being regularly showcasing, exhibiting and telling a story about all of the main new developments. This is especially true when we talk about the modern American art, such as the one one can find at either of our exhibitions. We’ve got a…
Modern Art
As one of the biggest museum in the region we feel committed to being regularly showcasing, exhibiting and telling a story about all of the main new developments. This is especially true when we talk about the modern American art, such as the one one can find at either of our exhibitions. We’ve got a…
As one of the biggest museum in the region we feel committed to being regularly showcasing, exhibiting and telling a story about all of the main new developments. This is especially true when we talk about the modern American art, such as the one one can find at either of our exhibitions. We’ve got a…